Thursday, March 18, 2010

Birches by Robert Frost

In this poem I feel that it is has something to do with nature being that it is compared to a tree but ,at the same time it is describing a sense of freedom.A sense of reminiscing and wishing to go back in time . You could visualize this feeling when he wrote" I like to get away from earth awhile".Wanting to go back in time and start things over when they aren't going the way they should be . This I believe is everyones wish but. unfortunately life doesn't happen that way. The same way ones a tree looses its branches and dries out its gone

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Fish

While reading The poem the fish, it seemed like the poet was regretting to have caught the fish.She described the fish im such detail.Most people just catch fish and don't even bother looking at the fish they have caught. it just becomes a lifeless thing in a bucket.The writer seemed to admire things about the fish that another person might overlook.